Miranda Garcia

student ✹ designer ✹ tech enthusiast

Exploring every angle to find the best possible solution, I love to dive deep into complex problems to make a difference in people’s lives.

case studies

Creating a marketing tool that organizes necessary information, letting AI interact with these and provide creating marketing solutions in return

Element Three

view project

Using drones and AI technology to promote safer police encounters

Socian Technologies

view project

Assisting adult caregivers with managing telemedical and personal wellness data using a cross-channel experience

UEGroup + xCenter

view project

my design philosophy

design is more than just aesthetics

Meaningful design has a transformative impact that creates an emotional connection for users to feel seen.

innovation drives growth

I strive to push the boundaries of what is possible and approach design with a mindset of exploration and creativity.

inclusivity matters

I am always seeking perspectives outside my own to create products that serve as many people as possible.

thanks for stopping by!

feel free to contact me or connect with me, I am always seeking new opportunities ✧

